Buyers and REALTORS


Welcome future home owners and real estate professionals. If you are looking to move or buy a new home in Woodglen Square, you found the right place.  This website has all of the information you would need to get to know the neighborhood and see what a great community Woodglen is.

Real Estate Agents and Title Companies that need Transfer Status Letters and Closing Documents, please contact our Community Management Company  You can get information, letters, and closing documents by Clicking Here 

Before moving or buying in Woodglen Square, it is important to understand that we are a Usage, Rent, and Lease Restricted Community that is governed by an organized Homeowners Association.  Please make sure you and your clients read and fully understand the community Declarations, Bylaws, and all related Governing Documents.


Woodglen has a monthly dues assessment that is $199 per month PLUS an annual assessment that pays the community's insurance policy renewal premiums.  Monthly assessments are due on the 1st of each month, and the annual insurance assessment usually comes due in March or April.  The total cost of the insurance policy premiums is equally divided by the 188 deeded homes in the community.  The cost of the insurance policy changes every year but usually ends up being $550 up to $990 for each owner and covers the entire year.  The community insurance policy is different than the mandatory HO6 insurance policy that each owner must carry on their individual unit.

In Colorado, it is the responsibility of the homeowner to provide all property disclosures and documents related to the association for all real estate transactions. Sellers must give new buyers their swimming pool key cards, pool lanyards, and mailbox keys at the time of closing.  New swimming pool key cards and lanyards can be purchased from the association for a cost of $25, each unit is only allowed one card.  The association does not and can not provide mailbox keys, if you forget to get the  mailbox key at closing, you will have to call and pay for a locksmith to re-key the lock.

An important document to read and understand before closing is the "Woodglen Maintenance and Insurance Responsibility Chart"  The chart is easy to read and explains what the HOA and what each owner is responsible for with building maintenance and insurance coverage.  The same information can also be found in the declarations.
